The Heart and the Blood (P1)

The heart is said to be a pump!

The heart is said to be a magnetic muscular organ.

The heart is said to have about 40 million units for emotions (lol – storage of emotions, I said). How can you store an emotion? You can experience the feelings of an emotion, but storing emotions?

Oh well, here is what it may just be.

The body, as we know, is the storage organ—the whole body stores things, both logical and physical. But the storage is generally logical, or should we say chemicals get stored, and this is what an emotion is.

Anger is a chemical when it is stored. And yes, it is stored in the heart. Love, joy, peace, happiness—these default chemicals are stored in the heart, and these non-default settings also get stored.

Imagine that the system of the heart is as follows:

A magnetic charging pump. Its charges are made from the number of storage locations that are located within itself.

When it “pumps,” it is actually taking the current state of itself and pumping that state from a chemical to an active state. Hence, we say “energy in motion—kinetic energy or Emotions—get it, ‘e’ is for energy and motion.”

Imagine you have 40 sacs of storage locations. You can put anything into these bags—any chemical, and these chemicals are the actual way you feel, think, and desire. They are coming to fill your bags. You feel angry—that is okay, but if you persist in your anger, then that persistence creates more and more of the chemical that starts to fill at least 1 bag out of those 40 bags. Remember, these bags cannot be empty; they always have something in them. When you are born, they are filled with laughter, joy, peace, bliss, love, freedom, power, bravery, courage, etc. But then you start replacing these bags with “non-natural” forms of chemicals—the anger, the vexation, perplexities, fear, etc. These start to take the space in those 40 bags, and the joy actually is replaced. Eventually, you have 1 full bag of anger.

The heart pumps, or should we say, creates a vortex to charge the blood. Here is now the field of the magnetic and electrical energy that is no longer supercharged; it is now of a lower charge—a state that is now mixed with 39 bags of joy, etc. versus now 1 bag of anger.

You feel that you can manage, and a few years later, you realize that you have become more stressed. By now, you start to realize that you have about 35 bags of okay-ish natural chemicals that represent the feeling, while you have 5 bags of crap you are carrying around. Your blood begins to go lower and lower.

here’s a list of the default emotions mentioned:

  1. Laughter – you can always be your own actor #social #other people are better.
  2. Joy # is sit a connection that drives your joy
  3. Peace # the best self place to be
  4. Bliss # is it internal or can it be coming from your internal external factors
  5. Love #to love is the key
  6. Freedom # we are born free – so what #right do you need # all right are free
  7. Power #
  8. Bravery
  9. Courage

Public Funding – Desire or Focus on changing the self.

by Imi Chitterman from his book – The Golden Canvas

To meet thy SELF in the future is what can provide the direction for your current success – that is what I call Purpose.

A purpose-driven life is one where you see your direction, your place or point of reference. You see yourself as the noble king, the one who has the peace and patience, the strength to destroy but chooses to paint a picture of bliss on golden fabric, framed with golden borders, crafted with the elements of a masterpiece. You see your golden book on the sideline, closed, with red rubies, but your gaze is focused on your true self, holding the brush of the picture you are painting. Distracted again, you look at the golden book, that thick bundle with an ornate cover, and wonder what is in it. But your future self, strong with the strength of all ages, pulls your attention back to the creation at hand. This is your power: to focus on the creation at hand. The past, though adorned with a golden cover, is locked away as a precious book, placed in a corner, but it is not what your life is about.

Your purpose is the picture being painted by your master future self. You see that painting, you see the expanse of the massive frame. At first, you thought it was not much, just an ordinary painting, small. But then, as you focus on the painter, you notice that the only small part is your current state. The frame is as wide as the universe, the picture outstanding. Joy returns as you now see the purpose: Restoration of the system is what drives you.

He stands with the brush, as you speak to him, wondering who this majestic being is, well-enthroned in a golden crown and clad in a royal robe. Your gaze, with its short-term perspective, thinks it to be someone wise, even an ancestor. But in time, you realize that he is just you, the one you are to create. That is why you feel and know this desire is now your purpose. You are that royal subject, holding the brush. With your back turned, you are to face the wonderful, golden canvas and paint this picture of your desire, paint, and craft the life you wish to create. You hold the brush.

Edited and Updated:

by Imi Chitterman

To meet thy SELF in the future is what can provide the direction for your current success – that is what I call Purpose.

A purpose-driven life is one where you clearly see your direction, your place, and your point of reference. You envision yourself as a noble king, endowed with peace and patience, possessing the strength to destroy but choosing instead to paint a picture of bliss on golden fabric. This fabric is framed with golden borders, meticulously crafted with the elements of a masterpiece. To your side lies a golden book, closed, adorned with red rubies. Yet, your gaze remains fixed on your true self, the one holding the brush, actively painting the picture of your future.

Every so often, you find your attention drifting towards the golden book – a thick, ancient bundle with an ornate cover. You wonder about its contents, but your future self, strong and timeless, gently redirects your focus to the creation at hand. This is your true power: the ability to concentrate on the present creation. The past, though encased in a beautiful golden cover, is a closed chapter. It is a precious book placed in a corner, but it does not dictate your life’s mission.

Your purpose is embodied in the picture being painted by your future self, the master artist. Initially, you perceive this painting as modest, perhaps insignificant. But as you concentrate on the painter, you realize that the only small part is your current state. The frame expands as wide as the universe, and the picture within it is outstanding and vast. This realization brings you immense joy as you comprehend your purpose: the restoration of the system that drives you.

The majestic figure stands before you, holding the brush. As you converse with him, you ponder who this regal being might be – adorned with a golden crown and clad in a royal robe. In your short-term perspective, you might think of him as an ancestor or a wise sage. However, with time, you come to understand that this majestic being is, in fact, you – your future self, the one you are destined to become. This realization affirms your desires and solidifies your purpose.

You are that royal subject, holding the brush. With your back turned to the distractions of the past, you are meant to face the magnificent, golden canvas and paint the picture of your desires, your pain, and the life you aspire to create. This is your mission: to take the brush in your hand and craft the life you envision. The future is vast and filled with potential, and you hold the power to shape it.

In the presence of your future self, you learn that your true strength lies not in revisiting the past but in creating the future. The golden book, with its locked pages, serves as a reminder of where you have been, but it is not the path you are to tread. Instead, your focus must remain on the expansive, vibrant canvas before you. Your future self, resplendent in royal attire, guides your hand as you paint, ensuring that each stroke contributes to the masterpiece of your life. Your purpose is clear, your vision is vast, and with each deliberate movement, you bring your destiny into being.

In this process, you understand that the journey of creation is ongoing. The golden frame continues to widen, the painting grows more intricate, and the joy of purpose fills your heart. The system you seek to restore is not just an external entity but an intrinsic part of your life’s mission. You are both the artist and the artwork, the creator and the creation. Embrace this role, hold the brush with confidence, and let your purpose guide each stroke on the golden canvas of your life.


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