Protein the beginning of my story.

Well, my story is first from a dream a dream after a vision a vision that occurred when I had that which is called an out of body experience. That which I named the time of awakening.

I died and not I am alive. Mine you I am healing and recovering from body function, so of which am living in the unknown with. However, the assurance of answers and the revelations that are coming from within is the most reassuring in my life at this time, Feb 2024. My day are outlined to be numbered, but what is most important is that which we say that we don’t know much about. I am so happy, at this point of life.

I am alive and not unalive as yet. I now understand that one should be in their “vehicle/body” until the time comes to change and upgrade their “vehicle/body” to a new format and new type.

So, in essence I still have a functional vehicle – sometime, in life a vehicle loses a few parts, maybe a dent lead to the loss of a light, and we will drive it until, maybe the functions of other parts breaks and we work with it until such and such time when we the “driver” of the vehicle can afford a new one.

Disclaimer: This is My story, not His-Story. This is the story of how I made a unaware set of steps, maybe in the state of deception to have caused a brake in my “vehicle/body”. What never happened there after causing me (the drive) that which we call the SOUL or SELF to become more and more alert or awakened to my own existence. I am the only one in this world. This is my claim, for tomorrow, if I am unalive from this space, then it may not exist to me. However, this is a limited statement, for that which may be within in is more than that which you can represent in your physical eye.

Chapter 1: I had died and have life review or revelations.

There is a chapter in the book of my life where I had this “out of body experience” I actually watched my body under repair, yes, I saw it. I saw also someone in the space of a place which it not in this physical world. I learnt that “no one is my judge” and “no one is judging no one” – all these were fake news for year and have been taught to fool us.

Chapter 2: There is my story.

There is also a chapter in the book that give a clear background of my life, my story about the first two time when I almost died, one of which my mother said i nearly hang at a young tender child age with a string in my neck. The other time, a flew, but I did not go up I came down, from a coconut tree, and fell sitting on a stone. These two times, I only now realize that there are spiritual or other forces which wanted me to be unalive at a very early age as they many to be kept in a state of “unawareness/darkness” However, the Creator has a better plan for me and so you can read my life story here.

Chapter 3: Choice to be a vegetarian without knowledge.

There is a chapter that speaks about my body my choice in not eating chicken. My choice to follow the SDA vegetarian diet and all these great things without any sense of awareness or research, a lack of knowledge (darkness) and all the none sense that has plagued my kind for more than 50 years. I am only 44 years, taking 45 in days while I write these things.

Chapter 4: Light is knowledge, new for me is light, but it always existed (Visions)

I began to have visions and dreams. Leading to light, or existing knowledge that was not known by me. It can be called new knowledge for me, but it is also an experience of the sorts that I cannot express in the words of man. It is only that which is translated that can now, help with the light.

Chapter 5: There is that which speaks of dead folks who bright messages.

So, the dead does not know anything, so it is said, and we should not talk to the dead. Good point, but when the dead visits and give you a message what is it that you need to do. Research. When we are told that we should not honor the traditions of men, but the words of God. I have to ask, what are the Words of God.

Chapter 5.1: A state of unease – a state learning about my family and their state of living or un a-living their bodies with the pains and perils of the big C. I will not.

Chapter 6: The Foundation of Knowledge a vision about Beef Liver (Vitamin B12)

So, a vision of the place where I got all my information about going vegan, is what it took to awaken me to a natural fact that vegans are at risk of low vitamin B12. Leading to Vitamin B12 deficiency. That was just the starting point, for amino acids is much more a bigger much larger issue for the vegan or plan based dieters.

Chapter 7: From Amino to Glucose to Insulin. Mitochondria don’t like to be feed at night. There are so many things in between but the glucose always wins.

There is that which speaks to the simple stories of having raw materials as in chapter 6, but then there is that which speak about getting the raw fuel to do the work. Glucose and the workers (mitochondria) are all that exists now.

Chapter 8: The Liver is quite some manager, with a great inventory storage area that need to have a lot of raw materials, specifically, amino acids.

Of all things that need to enter the temple 9 know you not that your body is the temple. Yep. The only temple is your body. The things that go into your mouth does not enter your body, the thing that goes into the small intestine walls are what enters the body. It looks as if the liver has a really big inventory housing system better than amazon system for storing and packing and shipping all these goods. So, what happens to the environment, ah there is also a chapter on the epigenetics – yes, the hormones are created from the feeling…

Chapter 9: Epi genetics, mediation breathwork, call it what you want – we need to create (hormones) with knowledge.

We are creators yes, of Hormones and this is what is the evidence of all that we do, say, or try in life, Hormones. Oh, yes, they too are built from amino acids. So, you mean amino acids are in everything. Maybe. maybe not, ask yourself this riddle and the mystery of life is a willing sought.

Chapter 10: Where did the teaching of eating carbs (intake of glucose) originate? Where the attack on animal protein?

There is a chapter on things I don’t and can’t understand but no need to understand darkness. Those who push darkness, known the light, but have benefits from the lack of awareness of some many.

Don’t trust anything i say in this book or on my page. Go get into doing your own thing, researching and user the following tools to help:

Technology and AI – there is some light in the darkness, for this which we will see only when we use the tools.


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