It a theory folks, but fats are the one of the key storage unit for toxins.

Table here is a summary of non-scientific finding regarding the storage of toxins in the body. Point is fats whether in the organs ( dangerous) or in the fat layer, stores good and bad. They are storage container named fat cells. This applied to animals and humans.

Toxin Type Primary Storage Site(s) Secondary Storage Sites (if applicable) Notes
Lipophilic toxins (e.g., POPs, pesticides) Adipose tissue (especially visceral) Liver, kidneys, brain Highly soluble in fats, accumulate over time
Heavy metals (e.g., lead, mercury) Bones Liver, kidneys, hair, nails Can replace calcium in bones, difficult to excrete
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Fat, blood, lungs Liver, kidneys, exhaled breath Quickly eliminated through breath and urine
Water-soluble toxins (e.g., some pesticides, herbicides) Kidneys, blood Liver, muscles Excreted primarily through urine
  • POPs: Persistent Organic Pollutants
  • VOCs: Volatile Organic Compounds

While it’s true that fats (also known as lipids) can play a role in storing some toxins in the animal and human body, it’s important to clarify that they aren’t the sole storage site and shouldn’t be viewed as simply “toxic waste dumps.”

Fats can store certain toxins:

  • Lipophilic toxins: These are toxins that dissolve in fat. Due to their chemical properties, they readily accumulate in fatty tissues (adipose tissue) because they can’t be easily excreted through water-based systems like the kidneys. Examples include persistent organic pollutants (POPs), pesticides, and some industrial chemicals. I wonder if we in 2024 are consuming industrial chemical such in herbicides such as Roundup, glyphospate.
  • I took two print screens to raise awareness regarding some well know herbicides.

My Analysis of these statement are simple: Be careful of body fat in animals and humans.

Maybe this is what was written in your Bible:

Verses mentioning meat preparation for offerings: ( offering mean that you are about to eat, or put this into the only temple that exist, your body) “Know ye not that your body is the temple of the living God, ye dwels in thee”. The actual verse reads: “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? ” (1 Corinthians 6:19 , NIV)

Here is what the Bible text provides for some dietary guideline toward your preparation of “dietary protien sources” from animal source.

  • Leviticus 1:9: Describes draining the blood and burning the fat of sacrificed animals.
  • Leviticus 7:8-10: Details preparing meat from peace offerings with specific instructions for different parts.
  • Numbers 28:3-8: Outlines meat offerings for daily and specific festivals.

Additionally, the time of eating flesh ( animals) are outlined:

They are to eat the meat that night, roasted over the fire, along with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.Exodus 12:8.

Four Points to note:

  1. Time to eat dietary protienevening time– reason to provide amino acids in the body for night time where repair and restoration takes place. Futher supported in the book of the Exodus 16:11-132″11 The Lord said to Moses, 12 “I have heard the grumbling of the Israelites. Tell them, ‘At twilight/evening you will eat meat/flesh/amino acid source/dietry protien, and in the morning you will be filled with bread/monoscracide/glocuose source. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God.’

2. Combined with a little carbs – a little as per the bread, this is not too bad, as the digiested carbs are the source of the monoscradie glocouse, and these allow the increase in bacteria to move thing along. Sugars move the guy forward, protien by itself can be a bit slow. Bacterias are required to help digestion. A little carbs provide the environment of sugars to aid bacteria reaction.

3. Method of preparation for the flesh – roasting, to allow to remove the fat, this is futher supported by Leviticus 1:9 showing this was persistant with the method for the preparation “burning the fat of the animals”. The word sacrificed does not mean putting some weirdo thing on an alter, once an animial is killed fof food, it is a scrafice of a life – becuase is and will be provided life to another animal or person. In 2024, we are to note that this method to burn off the fat is more relavent as the fat is a major source to store the toxins that the animals has consumed from eating the grains and from all the anitbiotics they are fed. Burn off the fat, dont fry boil, but roast, bake, airfry, barbacue, grill, etc.

4. Eat with bitter herbs, it is quite important to note that we need to consume the bitter herbs whenever we are going to consume dietry protien, this will help stimulate the pancreas to realse a large amount of the pancreatic enzymes for the digestive process in the small intestines. Protien digestion is long and needs some very specifc enzyme – both in the acidic stomach and the alkaline small intesting to conver these uncolied protien into peptides ( di , tri peptides) and then amino acids.

These are the component that dietry protien give to the body, they are called the amino acids, very essential are 9, and they can be combined by the Liver ( A mega factory) and be shipped out to do all the necessary restoration, repairing, homone and neuro transmitter creation.


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