Yes, while a little beer and maybe meat may create a controlled amount of Uric Acid. Here comes #fructose in the form – high amount of Fructose Corn Sryupt which is Mr. Challenger of the single organ named the Liver. And what is the output well Uric Acid.
So is Uric Acid a bad thing – well anything in mangeable amount by the excretory and lympnatic waste system is managemable, but when you have a truck load of Uric Acid, what do youthink will happen.
So Uric acid is a production that has to passs out from the body. Yes, that is natural and it happens. However, when you are putting substances that are crating a boatload of Uric acid, how do you get it out effectively ) _ i dont knwo so you better in the mean time control your inputs.
What imputs – molecules of many monleuce of fructors- which is found in High Frucose consyryp production such as