Building Back from Minerials

Disclaimer: All I write and what is disclosed in my personal view of the operational matters of this life around me. Nothing in these articles are recommendations, advice or tips for health. These are revelation that will be used to create theories to foster my learning of the functions of the ecosyste of life, body, mind and soul.

Fuel or Force.

Here is lies a full eco system that is based on the importance of the soil. That which is where your body came from. For those of the religious nature, you boast that you were created from dust. As if to say, we were just randomly created from mud. However, the life of 2024 should signal the truth to you. We are created from a specific amount of minerials in it right composition and ratios. Just as your Tesla car, the battery, the cell phone, and all other creations starts with the use of specific minerials. Note in 2024, the wars in Congo Africa, why? becuase of the minerials – Coltan. Even when you read you Bible you note strange out of place text as this one.

11 The name of the first is the Pishon; it winds through the entire land of Havilah, where there is gold. 12 (The gold of that land is good; aromatic resin[d] and onyx are also there.) – Geneses 2: 11-12. Seem like those who wrote the book, were looking specifically for these known minerials. Was it so important to the Adam and Eve, to have gols and onyx?

When I reflect on these things it is noted that those who sit to create, the designer of whatever that is designed, will also seek the precious metal that is created by the Creator of all things. There is a True Creator of All thing. Who may be never seen.

Here in lies life, a composition of minerials, a composition of minerials in it ratios that we call the Physical Reality aka the Human Body. Let us not be fooled, this is the technology that is so far advanced that we in 2024 are yet to understand how it even functions.

We are in pursuit of mastering our mysteries, thereby uncovering the true essence of our story. This requires us to delve into the unknown, leaving behind the confines of traditional narratives and embracing the exploration of uncharted territories.

RAW: This Body is composed of minerials, we calassify there to suit the body some we call Vitamines, so we call trace minerials, so we refer to as Nurtition and some as fuel. We are copying this design in all our doing. This is how we begin to make the mapping of the system of this physical reality and draw the analogies to that of the most advanced technology – the Human Body.

EDITED: This body is composed of minerals; we classify them to suit the body, some we call vitamins, others we refer to as trace minerals, and some as fuel. We are replicating this design in all our endeavors. This is how we begin to map the system of this physical reality and draw analogies to the most advanced technology – the human body.

RAW: Take for instance the Hybrid car – Toyata Prius or any other your are fond off. Note that this is the best car of all time, using two source of the fuel. Source 1 is the gas or liquid composition of fuel while source 2 is a battary source of electrical properties. However, both source when used will eventually kick into the format that is used by the vehocle to create the motion, lighting and other functions.

Edited:Take, for instance, the hybrid car – Toyota Prius or any other you are fond of. Note that this is among the best cars of all time, utilizing two sources of fuel. Source 1 is the gas or liquid composition of fuel, while source 2 is a battery source of electrical properties. However, both sources, when used, will eventually contribute to the format used by the vehicle to create motion, lighting, and other functions.

RAW: In our body the human body, our technology is a bit more advanced but our energy source should clearly have been outline to be a format similar to that analogy of the Hybrid vehicle. We have at least 2 sources of fuel. We have the Dietary Nurtitional Source large originating from input of Carbs and we have the battery type storage system energy source named fats (Stored energry into fat cells) that need to be released every so ofter and then be recharged.

RAW: What has happend over the year with our bodies has been one that is off a lop sided nature. We have been deceived from the natural inclination of the ecosystem of life into a fake system made reality. One that lied and set us into a peosition where we have been fuelling by the dietary means our bodies. This fuel, while necessary and needed, has cause more havoc to the human body than one can imagine.


In our human body, our technology is somewhat more advanced, but our energy sources should be clearly outlined to resemble the analogy of the Hybrid vehicle. We have at least two sources of fuel. The first is the Dietary Nutritional Source, largely originating from the input of carbohydrates. The second is a battery-type storage system energy source named fats (stored energy in fat cells) that need to be released periodically and then recharged.

Over the years, what has happened with our bodies has been quite lopsided. We have been led away from the natural balance of the ecosystem of life into a fabricated reality. This reality has deceived us, pushing us into a position where we have primarily fueled our bodies through dietary means. While this fuel is necessary and needed, it has caused more havoc to the human body than one can imagine.

Raw: You see it is my theory that the input of dietary carbs leads to the fuel glocouse which is the so called liquid fliud, Liquid to mean, ease to flow not that it is in the state of a lquid but it is in a state that is constantly flowing. And hence there is a problem with this source that, by itself has caused the degradation of the human systems – the pipes and the assocciated vessles has been damaged by the constant flow. So too, one can look at a river, when it flows in its path, it create new carnals, it eroads the bands/banks, the river bed -this is natural but one can observe that constant flow does has it impact even on hard rock. Same with water flowing throught iron piple, overtime they break. How much more the constant flow of our liquid energry source (carbs to glocouse) as on the channels of the body. That which is needed for production of eneryg is also a cause for balance.

Raw: Enter into the nature of the hybrid, a life that will not allow you to stop but one that will have you switch the source of energry. One that will ask that you calm the flow and allow the channels of to rest and repair. This is the thought that has gone into the designer/s work when we were crafted. A minerial based body will be reacted upon by the liquid and so stored energy system will decrease the reactions and allow regeneration and repair. These are my throries.

Raw: Our body energry system which has the stored energy system-fat cells- is not only a stored gloucose , It is a storage method that bounds and bind that which need to be slowly released from the body in a timly slow fashion. The stored energy source, when reconverted back into energry is provides a longer lasting energry source to that of the liquid energry (Glocouse). This source of energy not only is it perfect for a redemption of the body, it is actually the starting signal for the redemptive process aka detoxificaiton, regeneration and healings. You dont see these things they are small and nano scopic but you will feel the bit or the blist, when it happens.

When we signal to the body that we are to going a non-dietary input energy method and switch to the ketogenitic state to burn off fat cells, those little containers that hold the fuel. Not just that they bound fuel but they bind toxin substance within these containers. If the Liver – the liver of all thing will detoxify as the same time as it created, then we will have a level of sickness that no human can live with. Thus the Liver in its design will bound up the excessive liquid energry ( Glocouse) and any substance that is not needed – as “Toxin” into storage of fats cells or containers. Cell like prison cells. This is true to all Mamallian bodies. Hance when one rejects or declines the input of liqiud energry – gloucose – via the carbs based diet, then Liver now signal that it is time to slowly break open or open these fat cells ( Contianers), only the external can open the doors of the prison, extract the energry and gently push/pull out the toxins from the body as well as the energy.

This theory can be tested by one who is astute to their nature. Stop eating for a few days, drink only water, and see what happens to your health. You will get sick in 24 hours and get worst in 48 hour and then calm down in 72 hours. This is what is called water fasting. The body moved too quickly to get fuel from the fat cells, and he which breaks off fats will break out toxins, and that which is plenty with toxins will create a polluted stream of blood flow which you will fee, hence terms such as “healing crisis” or Herxheimer reaction, also known as a healing crisis.

This is what is happening in the unseen world, our Liver, the great land of China, Manufacturing but also pulling energy and removing the toxins, has and will continue to find energy from the stored fat organs and dip into the fat storage continers, pulling out energry but pulling and ridding the toxin from the body. Hence advice will be given to slow down, to fast slowly, to build thyself into fasting state slow over month. To go hour by hours and day by day, this allows a slow eb and flow process. As the Liver may decided to break 1 contain of fat and handle the toxins in a timley fasion, thus reducting the toxic burden in the blood and the overall bad feelings.

Again this is all my theory and must not be taken as any reality of truths.

What does this mean in essence of this current life in 2024.

It signals that we are now at a poistion to turn around to becoming the bridge by overcoming throught transformation of our mind. To learn to Thrive mean to learn to balance our nature.

  1. Carbs are usefully important as they lead to glocuse, the liquid fuel of the body.
  2. Having too much liquid fluid causes damages to our systems, organse, vessels and lead to the sysmptions of unwellness and etc.
  3. Reducting the source of liquid fluid is difficult, but must be done over time, 3 to 6 months, one much work their way up into the position to remove as mucch of the processed carbs, which are heavy in the production of the liquid energy gloucose. Example, which a vegatable will give you some gloucose, it may be a suitable amount, as compared to a professed bowl of nice tasting cereal.
  4. Working to remove liquid surags has will take time up to 12 month to bring back the balance of the energy source in the body, you will become unwell but it is necessary and 2024 is the year you need to start working in this matter.
  5. What happens if I dont get my energy. Good question, but when you start seeing that you are moving from one to the next it will be like this image below. Example of a constant but slow shift to restructure your fuel source, over 6 months. Note that the goals is to decreate the input of the source of liquid energy named Carbs ( via the mouth) but at the same time to increase Fats and Protien.

With a decreate of Carbs – the gloucose will become reduced, thus the body will begin to get the signal that it need to remember it true hybrid nature. A full method of this programme can be found on my website. It is my method to gradullay shift back to reality. A number of issue will occur as the body moved back into the state of balance.


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