Thrive:Transformation Through Overcoming.

Welcome to my journey in this phase of my experience on the earth plane. I thank you for coming here to read. While you read, believe nothing that I write, but be open to test. Feel free to go and return anytime you have a question, concern or comment. Be the change for thyself/for thee thou art the soul.

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Make space for the new!

Forget escaping, forget avoiding, forget settling for mere acceptance. Forget Happiness, forget anger or upset. Let it all flow through you, make room for the new. The New, True transformation. The Transformation that lies in the crucible of facing and conquering life’s blessings and challenges. It’s about becoming the bridge, not the bystander, in the face of adversity in the face of plenty. 

Be a Bridge for Another:

A bridge that allows the blessing to flow from self to another. It is a bridge that allow the energies of challenges and blessing to flow from self to another. How can it be a flow of both challenges and blessing. For it is in this we find the true flow of the nature of life. Not Positive or Negative, but whole, balance clear and wise. We then understand the truth about the child, we understand that only by the child touching the hot pot, he learns the promise of healing a scar from a hot pot. While he learns the art of cooking his meals.

Accept and transform everything.

No level of avoidance can provide the lessons of growth as the truth is in the flow of energies. Yet, we respond to the flow based on our emotional teachings and traditional cultures (CULTS), largely survival and fear base. This is why we are now called to forget and transform through overcoming. In this we will learn the truth of the ALL.

Imagine a powerful energy, a current that surges through your existence, bringing with it both challenges and blessings. It’s not a static force, but a dynamic flow that ebbs and flows, presenting opportunities for growth at every turn. But this flow is fleeting, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to tap into its transformative power. Do you think the great invention of the computer, internet and such became part of life, because men wanted to be disconnected. It is the Universal dream of the Spirit that we be all connected and such lead to this birth of such. For no one is born from the state of “satisfaction”.. We are all created to meet a need, to fill a need, a lack in this world. Your presence is unique and hance you are here today in this world.

Your Dreams shall be the director.

Your dreams are your compass, your guiding light in this current state. So go back to your bed and dream, and then remember why you are here. They are the investments you make in your own potential, the seeds you sow for future flower and fruits. But dreams alone are not enough. It’s the choice to embrace the flow, to plunge into the depths of challenge, that unlocks the path to becoming a dreamer in action.

This website is my map. Here, you’ll find not just inspiration, but actionable steps to navigate the currents of transformation. We’ll explore the art of facing your challenges and fears head-on, the power of harnessing adversity as fuel, and the secrets of emerging stronger, wiser, and more empowered on the other side. For it all is the deep divine tool named: LOVE. LOVE!

So, are you ready to be a dreamer in action? Are you ready to surf the waves of challenge, embrace the flow, and claim your transformation? 

Join us on this journey, and let’s rewrite the narrative of your life, one empowered step at a time.

Dive into the Deep.

Remember, the current is alway there, it goes round and round. Dive in at anytime, you will begin to see the power of your SOUL. 

This is your time. This is your transformation.

Welcome aboard.

I am Blesses, Joy has returned.